Tendonosis Or Tendonitis?

leon • May 31, 2019


It is quite common to confuse Tendonosis and Tendonitis, both are conditions that share many of same symptoms but differs in its cause and appearance.

Tendonosis is a chronic or persistent condition that is often caused by repetitive trauma or an injury that hasn’t healed. The underlying cause in tendinosis is degeneration.

Tendonitis is more of an acute or sudden and short-term condition in which inflammation is caused by a direct injury to the tendon. Tendonitis is an acutely inflamed swollen tendon and the underlying culprit in tendinitis is inflammation.

Causes, Symptoms And Treatment Of Tendonosis

  • Causes. Tendonosis is caused by chronic overuse of a tendon. With continued and repetitive activity, it puts stress on the tendon and slows down the healing process. Chronic microtrauma to the tendon leads to loss of collagen continuity which means the fibers are no longer aligned and fail to link together, which results in the loss of strength and further injury when used. Inflammation is not generally present with Tendonosis.
  • Symptoms. Pain in the affected tendons when moved or touched. Stiffness and restricted movement in the affected area. A grating or crackling sensation as the tendon moves. The development of a tender lump along the tendon.
  • Treatment with Chiropractic. Chiropractors are specialized and trained to perform joint manipulation, myofascial release, massage, stretching and strengthening exercises, are all beneficial treatments for tendon injuries. In short, Chiropractic stimulates the body to repair its own injured and painful areas.
  • Other at-home treatmentsResting the tendon and avoiding repetitive movements. This may include taking a break every 15 minutes when doing repetitive activities, such as typing. Stretching the tendon to increase its range of movement and flexibility as well as to promote circulation. Massaging the affected area to promote circulation. Strengthening the muscles around the tendon with exercises to reduce daily strain on the injured tendon. Using braces or tape to protect the tendon from further injury.

Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments For Tendonitis

  • Causes. Tendonitis most often is caused by repetitive, minor impact on the affected area, or from a sudden, more acute or serious injury. Tendonitis is an accurate diagnosis for an acute injury when the tendon is overloaded, causing pain and swelling from tears in the injured tissue.
  • Symptoms. Common symptoms include localized pain, swelling, and warmth.
  • Treatment with Chiropractic. If there is a great deal of inflammation the chiropractor may use inflammation reducing techniques such as bracing, rest, ice, electrical muscle stimulation, and other therapies. This helps to loosen the tendon and lessen the inflammation so that treatment can progress. Once the inflammation is reduced massage, physical therapy, joint manipulation, or strengthening exercises may be utilized. If the patient has diminished or limited joint mobility then joint manipulation or adjustments may be the best option.
  • At home treatmentsRest and avoid activities that increase the pain or swelling. Ice can decrease pain, muscle spasm, and swelling by applying ice to the injured area for up to 20 minutes several times a day. Compression since swelling can result in loss of motion in an injured joint, compress the area until the swelling has decreased. Elevation, raising the affected area to a level above the heart can reduce swelling and preserve mobility.

The Takeaway

For many years, most tendon pain has been mostly referred to as tendonitis. However, current studies are showing that Tendonosis is actually more common and a more appropriate name for many tendon issues.

It seems one of the big difference between Tendonosis and Tendonitis is time. Tendonosis healing time is 3-6 months once it becomes chronic. The primary treatment plan for Tendonosis is to break the injury cycle and reduce stress on the tendon.

Tendonitis should typically heal in about 6 weeks and benefits greatly from rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

Contact us today, our goal is to find the cause of the problem and correct it. We don’t treat symptoms, we treat people.

The post Tendonosis Or Tendonitis? appeared first on Leon Chiropractic.

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