Helpful Sleeping Positions To Alleviate Lower Back Pain

leon • May 28, 2020

If you are one of the many that suffer from low back pain every morning, your sleeping posture could be to blame. Sleeping in poor positions can put unnecessary pressure on your spine, causing the natural curve to flatten as a result. To make matters worse, this can also cause back strain as well as uncomfortable pressure on your joints.

If back pain plagues your mornings, you should consider changing your sleeping position in order to better your quality of sleep and spine health. Here are some sleeping positions that may help alleviate any lower back pain.

Helpful Sleeping Positions To Alleviate Lower Back Pain

  • Sleep on your side with a pillow between your legs. Lying on the side is a widely popular and comfortable sleeping position. Despite this, sleeping on your side can pull the spine out of position resulting in straining of the lower back. Those who enjoy the comfortability of sleeping on their side should not fret as correcting this is easy. Those who sleep on their side can simply place a firm pillow between their knees. This raises whichever leg ends up being on top of the other, reinforcing the natural alignment of the hips, pelvis, and spine. Place a pillow in a position that supports both your head and neck and if there is a gap between your waist and the mattress is left, consider placing a small pillow there for extra support.
  • Sleep on your front with a pillow under your abdomen. Lying on the front of your body is commonly considered the worst sleeping position. This is partly true because sleeping on your front can add unnecessary stress to your neck. However, for those who find it difficult to fall and stay asleep in another position, you don’t have to! Additionally, sleeping on the front can benefit people with a herniated disc or a degenerative disc disease. Spinal alignment can be improved by placing a slender pillow underneath the stomach and the hips. You can choose to rest your head on a slim pillow or consider sleeping without one altogether.
  • Sleep on your back with a pillow under your knees. Lying on your back is commonly considered to be the best position to sleep in for a healthy back. By laying on your back, the weight of the full length of the body’s biggest surface is evenly distributed. This position also lessens pressure points, improving the alignment of the head, neck, and spine as a result. Placing a small pillow under the knees can give additional support all while helping to maintain the natural curve of your spine. Any other spaces between your body and mattress can be filled in with another pillow for extra support. For example, place a pillow beneath your lower back.
  • Sleep in the fetal position. Adopting the fetal position can bring relief throughout the night, especially for those who suffer from a herniated disc. This is due to the fact that lying on your side and tucking your knees towards your chest lessens the bending of the spine, opening up the joints as a result. Simply lay on your back and roll gently onto one side. Place a pillow in a position that supports your head and neck. Raise your knees towards your chest until your back is somewhat straight.

The Takeaway

Constant nagging lower back pain can make it tough to get a good night’s sleep. However, changing your sleeping position can better your quality of sleep and spine health. Try some of the four sleeping positions listed above and follow the simple steps to experience relief of lower back pain!

Contact us today! We look forward to working with you so that you can live a life of complete health and vitality.

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