7 Ways to Relieve Back Pain Naturally

leon • January 23, 2021

Various natural remedies can relieve back pain that can reduce medication intake or add benefit to your current medical treatment. Check out these natural pain relief strategies and determine which ones work best for you: Read on to learn more about effective pain relief approaches for chronic backache using natural methods.

1. Enjoy an Anti-Inflammatory Drink Every Day

If you regularly consume anti-inflammatory foods, your blood can build up a various anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, and even anti-cancer agents. Over time, these powerful active agents can play an important role in lowering or eliminating inflammatory reactions in your body. Consuming these healthy drinks regularly can help ease your back pain.

  • Ginger Green Tea: You can also try infused herbal beverages, such as green ginger tea, which have the pain-relieving special effects of ginger and green tea. You can easily enjoy a cup both at home and at work. Over a period, these anti-inflammatory agents may accumulate into the bloodstream. Adding these drinks to your everyday diet can help reduce overall infection and prevent new stirring pain.
  • Turmeric Milk: Turmeric, a type of Asian spice, contains anti-arthritic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties. An easy way to consume turmeric is to mix a small amount (1/2 teaspoon) of turmeric powder in a cup of warm milk. You can add stevia or honey to milk if you’d prefer a sweetened flavor. Preferably consume this drink just before going to bed so that the inflammatory process works while you sleep.
  • Tart Cherry Juice: Cherries are rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agents. Cherry juice can help alleviate muscle aches that can be chronic or triggered by exercise. Cherry juice is readily available in supermarkets and usually contains sour cherry extract. Drink a glass of cherry juice daily and check to see if it positively impacts your back pain.

2. Avoid Prolonged Static Posture

It is important to give attention to the muscles and joints in your spine and thigh. Prevent fatigue and strain in these joints through following easy tips, such as:

  • Check your posture and adjust the alignment of your neck, shoulder, and back to prevent strain on your spine. A bad, unsupported posture could lead to various back problems that cause or worsen the pain.
  • Avoid excessive sitting or use a standing desk while you are working. When you sit for a long time, the pressure rises in the intervertebral discs. Aim to stand up every hour and take a stroll for a short distance to remove the discs’ load.
  • Rotate activities to avoid overburdening the same muscle and joint group. For example, if you have been standing and working for a while, consider switching to another activity where you can sit down. You can stand up again when you get a chance to relax your muscles and joints.

3. Sleep Faster and Sleep Longer

Having a good night’s sleep will make your back feel less pain during the day. A refreshing night of sleep can have therapeutic benefits, make you feel revitalized, refreshed, and reduce stress. 

Try these natural sleep aids one by one to find out which one is best for you:

  • Melatonin: The natural sleep hormone melatonin can be considered as a supplement to enhance your sleep cycle.
  • Valerian: Supplements made with valerian root can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
  • L-theanine: L-theanine is an amino acid found in tea leaves that can help some individuals feel relaxed and sleep better.
  • Vitamins C and B6: The natural steroids in your body regulate your metabolism and promote a good night’s sleep. Vitamin C and B6 supplements have been known to help the body produce and monitor natural steroid hormones.
  • Cherry juice or cherry extract: Cherries contain specific enzymes that help improve sleep.

4. Try Mindful Meditation

Meditation is a great way to improve focus, release happy hormones (endorphins), and reduce anxiety and stress. Through mindful meditation, you can control the way your body feels pain. Find a calm darkroom and meditate for 5-10 minutes in the morning. You can try meditating before bed or during work breaks. If you do not want to meditate, try simple breathing exercises – breathe slowly 10 times.

5. Gently Stretch Your Joints & Soft Tissues Through Yoga

Yoga is an effective way to stretch your back, improve joint and muscle health, improve the distribution of therapeutic nutrients through the bloodstream, and increase spinal flexibility. When you start, do stretching exercises slowly and only progress if you feel comfortable without pain. Gradually, you will be able to add more stretching exercises to your routine. The perfect time to do yoga is early in the morning – to help you relax your spine and reduce stiffness and back pain.

6. Support Your Body in A Warm Pool

The buoyancy of the water allows you to enjoy the benefits of exercise with less pain. Exercising in the water also helps regulate nerve and muscle function and relieves pain. If you prefer warmer pools, check out water exercises and hydrotherapy pools. Hydrotherapy exercises are often done in water between 83-88 degrees. The temperatures in the hydrotherapy pool are often above 90 degrees.

7. Keep A Self-Activating Heat Patch

Heat patches activated on contact with the body are a great tool for long trips or to keep in your office desk or table drawer. These heat patches turn on quickly, could be worn inside your clothes, and provide a constant supply of heat to relieve back pain. Follow the instructions on the package and avoid wearing the patch for long periods to prevent skin damage. Some heat pads are infused with medication for more efficient discomfort relief.

The Takeaway

Low back pain can be a persistent and intolerable condition. Small, daily actions may either help or worsen your situation. By taking measures to strengthen, stretch, and protect your back, you can ideally stop or slow the pain. However, lifestyle changes cannot always resolve severe cases of back pain. If your low back pain is hindering your ability to perform everyday activities, see your doctor.

Contact us today! We look forward to working with you so that you can live a life of complete health and vitality.

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