There is more tension in the trapezius muscle group than anywhere else in the body. Trapezius muscles start at the neck and extend to the mid-back. The tension in them often leads to tight shoulders. Shoulder tension is often associated with stress but that is only a small piece of the puzzle.
Shoulder pain and tension is a growing concern and most people have this complaint. Physicians suggest that most of the shoulder tension is due to our lifestyle choices like scrolling through our smartphones, sitting at a desk, driving, and even the postures we adopt during sleeping. If we sit too often and on top of that if we have a bad posture, our shoulders will suffer. The spine slumps over and the head juts forward. We begin thinking that the tension is normal since we do it so often. But in fact, it is not normal and can be very harmful.
The connection between body and mind is real and for those of you who ignore it, will face serious consequences in terms of stress. If you have a stiff neck and a chronic shoulder pain then it is highly likely that you there is more to you being stressful than just a bad day at work.
Your stiff neck and tight shoulders might be telling you something on an emotional, energetic and physical level. It might be time to make some changes for those of you with chronic pain in their shoulders.
We look forward to working with you so that you can live a life of complete health and vitality. Contact us today!
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We look forward to working with you so that you can live a life of complete health and vitality.